Nestled in a hilly landscape with an antique flavor, Peccioli combines the charm of the medieval Tus...
Nestled in a hilly landscape with an antique flavor, Peccioli combines the charm of the medieval Tuscan idea of a real open air museum. For nearly thirty years the city administration carries out a project that intersects contemporary art with the territory and its identity. Thanks to a series of ad hoc interventions by contemporary artists (including Nagasawa, Dubosarsky-Vinogradov, Garutti and the same Corsini), was formed in time a kind of open-air museum that has established new relationships with the surrounding landscape enriching elements that are intertwined with the history and traditions.VOICES stems from the desire to create within the territory of the Municipality of Peccioli an artistic-literary journey that accompanies the discovery of new places and unexplored. The narrative voices are those of some of the greatest contemporary authors. Each of them was asked to be a piece of this path, writing a story starting from the suggestions born from the meeting with some religious buildings in the area, mostly built near small villages, each with its own history and identity . Transposed into audio form by the same authors, these stories go back to the place that generated them and find ways of listening through six new works specially conceived by Vittorio Corsini and installed inside the Bell Tower of the Church of San Verano, the Madonna del Carmine Church and the Church of Serre in Peccioli in the Church of St. George in the Cedars, in the Chapel of Saints Rocco and Sebastian in Fabbrica, the Oratory of the Santissima Annunziata in Ghizzano.The search for Vittorio Corsini extends across three decades of intense activity in the field of sculpture and installation; From the beginning it focuses on the concept and the ways of living, the dynamics affecting life in our homes and in public spaces, and the physical space as a metaphor of encounter between the individual and the community. Essential in form, the Corsini work is done through an emotional content and creates the conditions for a different experience of the everyday. Over the years a number of public art in the urban space have seen the artist at work in residential areas with the creation and design of courtyards, fountains, gardens designed as generators of meetings and arose as the result of ordinary practices or habits consumed by local inhabitants. "We need to activate new territories, Corsini says, the artist is like an explorer who makes visible those new territories, which today are made not so much about materials, techniques, languages, but rather the ways, relationships, energies (...) The public sculpture for me is something that triggers a space; it is important that the function operates, you can pass through, who can talk to who can take on a human and social dimension of exchange and relationship. "Reproduced on a colored sawdust carpet rather than being projected as a beam of light on the walls of a room, the word has always been one of the cornerstones of research of Vittorio Corsini. In 2007 he collaborated for the first time with a writer for "Who speaks to me", a lamp post with seat that tells the stories of the locals. In 2011, again making use of the help of two writers makes a resting place carved out for the MACRO in Rome "Xenia", on the terrace of the museum, where the vibrations of a fence transform the stories in sound.They define a space, create reports, prepare to listen and, as a Roman installation, damage materially voice to the stories of the six authors of the works that conceives Corsini for ITEMS.